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The roots of Rotkäppchen-Mumm go back hundreds of years in some cases, with the spirits brands dating back as far as 1507. The famous “red champagne cap” was created in 1856 in Freyburg, the “capital” of the traditional wine-growing region of Saale-Unstrut, and gave the brand its name from 1894 onwards.
A multi-function line at the company’s headquarters in Freyburg is used to label 1.5-liter magnum bottles of the Rotkäppchen, Mumm, and MM brands, among others. At the beginning of 2021, the sparkling wine producer replaced the existing machine with a state-of-the-art solution for wet glue and self-adhesive labels from RENNER. “In addition to the versatility, we were convinced by the good price-performance ratio and the fast on-site support,” reports Jan Wiemann, Head of Maintenance at the filling plant in Freyburg.
The new RENNER S1200 Combi Servo PSL features, among other things, two wet gluing units, label inspection and a camera system for servo-motor alignment based on control marks. Two self-adhesive dispensers open up new design options for the company when it comes to their 0.75 l bottles and various special features. The new machine was supplied from a single source and came with a bottle dryer included. According to Jan Wiemann, installation and commissioning went smoothly.
« The combined machine precisely fulfilled all the requirements. It convinces with a high degree of delivery, stable results and a wide range of design options. »
1. classical bottle fermentation in the riddling cellar
2. historic main building of the Rotkäppchen sparkling wine cellar
3. the red champagne cap as a trademark
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