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Steinie, Vichy, Apo, Champagne and Belgian beer bottles are just some of the formats that Brasserie du Bocq, founded in 1858, uses in various sizes for its own and third-party brands. The technical requirements for the newly built production line were suitably high.
The up-and-coming brewery had outgrown its former site in the small village of Purnode. Anyone who opens the doors of the new production and logistics hall will see robust and flexible technology at its best. The Wallonian brasserie chose only leading manufacturers for the individual parts of the line. It did not take long to decide upon RENNER, recalls Managing Director Dimitri Delcourt. “No other vendor understands what we need so well and was able to provide us with such a flexible and economical solution.”
It is not uncommon for operators to switch the RENNER S1800 Servo Combi to a new format twice a day – or even more. This must be done quickly. That’s why the format parts can be changed with quick-release fasteners without the need for separate tools. With the help of the cross slide, the height-adjustable units can also be quickly switched between operation and service without losing their settings. In addition to the two wet gluing units, two self-adhesive dispensers are integrated in non-stop tandem operation, as well as a camera system for precise alignment of printed bottles. “This opens up many design options for us, such as for export or for promotional stickers,” says a delighted Dimitri Delcourt.
« RENNER is a true expert when it comes to labeling machines and its collaboration with the interface manufacturers could not have gone more smoothly. We are very happy with our choice. »
1. Main building of the brewery in the Walloon village of Purnode.
2. The RENNER S1800 Combi in the newly built production hall.
3. Magazine with paper labels for “Blanche de Namur” wheat beer, which has won several international awards.
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